
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Where is Iain going?

To Celebrate my acquisition of a brand new (and my first) iPhone i decided to use the Cinch App and record a poem that was written for my by Ciara, well kinda written for me She put my name in where someone else's was, but she did write it out and then read out it loud to me,

Anyway its still cute dammit!.

Its also kind of funny because its quite ap for my current situation.

Anyway blog post with a difference, enjoy (ill get her to make one on tus to replace mine, i kinda messed it up a little)

Where is Iain Going? - By Ciara

1 comment:

  1. "That's where I wanted to go, anyway."

    I love that line. This is very true of you.

    P.S. I'm jealous of your iPhone ;)
