
Friday, January 22, 2010

Was That it?

Well it feels like winter has passed, the sun is shining and i can walk down the street without falling on my arse, it’s quite a nice feeling but with the break in the weather i now feel i must depart the house and for some reason that’s proving hard enough, I now know why bears like to hibernate because being warm is such a better feeling than freezing my tits off.

The good news is that i have not been to idle, I’ve been reading, cooking and geeking out to some of my favourite music, problem is I’m finding this such a hard habit to break out of, college sapped away everything i enjoyed so much in life that I have now swung to the other side of the spectrum.

There is a solution to all of this and that’s get a job but there is very little out there, so instead I’m spending my time working on little bits of art work for people, i do have a steady client that i have just done some work for but it’s not enough, so I’ve decided to educate myself a little more and brush up on my HTML and CSS, I'm thinking this is a good plan because I can hibernate just a little longer and right now it is heaven.

The sad thing about living in this city is that work is limited and so I really must do something for myself and not let it get to me, I tend to find something to do each and every day to work on but now the weather has picked up I’m thinking I might start cycling again, hitting town for coffee and chats and maybe just maybe I might go out one Saturday and get wasted.


  1. I think this is an excellent plan. And educating yourself is a great idea, especially because it just makes you more valuable when looking for a job.

    Don't forget that California "winters" are totally rainy disasters, so you will still have to hibernate.

    I will put good vibes out for you to get an awesome opportunity where you're at now, because I know you have a very good reason to want to stay ;)

  2. Yeah, "sunny" California has consisted of monsoon style rain and thunderstorms for the last week. No blue sky where I'm sitting...

    p.s. get a job, hippy! ;)
