
Monday, March 8, 2010

Wales never forgets..

Life is bliss when there is nothing going on.

Well that’s how it feels over the last few weeks, the start to 2010 has been rather stressful for people around me, but not for me myself, so I’ve been sitting here banging out positive vibes all over the place to the people I love, hoping somehow that the spirit of the dude comes out and everyone starts to chill the fuck out, it seemed to have worked and now karma decided to pay me a visit and make me smile.

I just got nudged on facebook chat by a old friend back in Wales asking me if i would be over at the end of April, well i had no plans to and really it had not crossed my mind, April is a good time in Wales, when i was over there it was the start of the party season so I asked what was going on. Well it was no surprise that it’s a gig in Hendre Hall bands and DJ’s , so far so good, then he said Tarantism is playing.... Oh im sold!
It’s not just that they are playing but also I know that this will be a good time to catch up with lots of old friends as they will most likely be there just like we did in the 90’s it could be a fantastic night and this is a chance i might not get for some time...

He provided the sweetener on the cake by saying “Your on the guest list” oh sweet, free music!

1 comment:

  1. Wheeeeee! So glad you are taking a trip back home! Take loads of photos.
