
Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well the whole experiment failed horribly and in order to have a functioning blog i have to use the classic template.

I have received a couple of nasty comments regarding my blog and with the failure to sort the layout out i think ill just leave like this for a while.

I may come back at a later date, but for now im just not feeling it and the confidence i had when i started this has kinda slipped a little and i find myself hovering more over the delete button than the post button.

Its been a shit month and i really have not felt like talking about anything at all, least blogging about it.

So until life gets interesting again for me again, im just going to leave it here, live, hopefully ill return to it in the future and finally fix that annoying template problem.

Welsh Tramp


  1. Silly people getting mad about your theme...ahhh well. Hope things get better and you do come back to writing. I'll be here ;)

  2. Thanks Ms Becca,

    the mails where just nasty about my writing, i think it was just a troll from twitter but still.
